Summary of Talk by Alan Cameron- Public Spaces 25 Aug 2020

The webinar titled 'Public spaces doing it for themselves' by Alan Cameron of Places Plus looked at three case studies in Cape Town, the manner in which users of the space had become involved, their work to date and their results.

Key to these approaches is the attempt to find a manner in which the public space can generate the income required for management and maintenance expenses. 

Trafalgar Park: After an on-off cycle of interest from the City during 2011 - 2015, Clicks (whose offices are adjacent to the park) decided to invite stakeholders to start a Friends group. The Friends group is active, with several plans for the park, but have felt unable to do the structural changes required to improve the park in a meaningful manner. The creation of a Steering Community of City department representatives is underway and, chaired by the Ward Councilor, will provide a link between the Friends and the City departments at work in the park. The Friends hopes to receive a mandate from the Steercom to partner with the City via a memorandum of understanding.   

The Company's Garden: In 2018 the Cape Town Heritage Trust was asked by the Company's Garden Steercom to initiate a Friends group for the gardens. Taking a slow and steady relationship-building approach the Friends is in discussions with the City of how to start helping in the VOC vegetable Garden, as there is a labour shortage after groundsmen took early retirement due to health reasons. The Friends is looking to partner with experts in urban agriculture to assist them in maximising the opportunity this presents. The Friends is looking at several other opportunities to assist the Company's Garden to become even more popular with regulars and tourists alike.  

Ryk Tulbagh Square: In 2017 the Friends of Ryk Tulbagh Square was formed to unite area stakeholder to resolve an impasse that had developed between the lessee of the neighbouring public parking area - Ryk Tulbagh Square. By submitting an non-commercial alternate proposal when the site was re-evaluated the Friends were successfully able to motivate to manage the lease of the space, and the final stages of paperwork are underway. In time the Friends look forward to making Ryk Tulbagh Square a magnificent multi-use plaza.

Please get in touch with Alan Cameron at or 082 727 3516.


APES+ Chairman’s Report


Presentations 2018-2019