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CAPE TOWN ROCKS - A Talk by Tommy Brummer

  • The Building Centre 7 Platinum Drive, Northgate Estate (map)

The talk is about the 3 primary rock types found in earth, igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary, and they all occur in the City Bowl. I discuss where the rocks are found in geological time and some of the main events in South African Geology. The presentation then looks at the location of a few quarries where the different rocks are found and then focus on some of the important buildings in Cape Town that have been built with the various rock types. I also explore a few significant rocks not found in Cape Town but used in some of the significant buildings in the CBD.

Tommy Brümmer Tommy Brümmer Townplanners B.Sc. M(TRP) Pr. Planner A/281/1985 I was born in the middle of the Great Karoo and spent my first 7 years in the small town of Carnarvon. Schooled at Wynberg Boys High and then off to Stellenbosch to study geology. After doing a few student vacation jobs in mines and exploration work near Pofader I decided that Town Planning sounded a much better profession. I have been a planning consultant in Cape Town since 1985, but still enjoy geology and the landscapes that are created by the different rock formations. Since moving to the Bo-Kaap my interest in rocks was rekindled when I realised that the cobbles are made of sandstone, the pavements are granite and the old walls are constructed of metamorphosed shales. The perfect use of surrounding materials.

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